Craven County, North Carolina legislators are voting on an animal control ordinance on July 5th that fails to protect dogs from tethering.
Category: Action Alert
TAKE ACTION: Support the Animal Welfare Accountability and Transparency Act
Urge Your Legislators to Support the Animal Welfare Accountability and Transparency Act.
TAKE ACTION: Did Your Senators Sign the Letter to the USDA?
The removal of tens of thousands of reports and documents from the USDA website about animals in zoos, puppy mills, lab testing facilities, and more was a huge blow for advocates and the animals themselves. If your senator has not signed the letter asking the USDA to restore the animal welfare reports that were abruptly taken off the website last…
Protect Puppies: Call the USDA about the Removal of Animal Welfare Records from their Website
Action Alert: Call the USDA about the Removal of Animal Welfare Records from their Website.
Allow First Responders to Provide First Aid to Animals in Emergencies Did you know that in Maryland it’s a misdemeanor for first responders (like EMTs and firefighters) to provide medical care to a dog or cat in an emergency? This is because it’s a crime to treat animals without a veterinary license. At first glance, this law makes sense but…
A proposed law in the South Carolina legislature protecting big cats, great apes, and bears needs your support. The bill takes the first steps toward making it illegal for people to own these animals as pets. South Carolina is one of only five states with no restrictions on ownership of exotic animals. These beautiful animals belong in the wild, not…
ATTENTION MARYLAND: Protect Cownose Rays
Call your Maryland Legislator Today to End Cruel Killing Contests! A new bill in the Maryland legislature protecting cownose rays needs your support. The bill outlaws the brutal practice of “killing contests” where cownose rays are slaughtered for people’s entertainment. In these contests, cownose rays are shot with arrows, bludgeoned with a bat, and then stuffed into containers where they…