Category: Hoppy

Hoppy: The “Feral” Foster – Moving On Up

This blog was posted before our name change to For All Animals A couple weeks after Hoppy’s surgery we moved (still in the Baltimore area). Hoppy would be going from living in our home office (a large bedroom) to our new office/studio space, which was an entire floor of our new home. We acclimated him in his kennel ‘apartment’ for…

Hoppy: The “Feral” Foster – The Limp

This blog was posted before our name change to For All Animals. It was Saturday morning, just two days after we took Hoppy to the internist. We went in to feed him and noticed he wasn’t putting weight on his front left foot. The night before he had partaken in some acrobatics involving our six foot tall storage shelves—landing himself…

Hoppy: The “Feral” Foster – The Internist

This blog was posted before our name change to For All Animals. As it turns out there are very few cat internists in Maryland, but lucky for us one of them, Atlantic Veterinary Internal Medicine & Oncology, shares an office with our local Pet ER—which we frequent more than we would like to admit. All of Hoppy’s vet record had…