
A proposed law in the South Carolina legislature protecting big cats, great apes, and bears needs your support. The bill takes the first steps toward making it illegal for people to own these animals as pets. South Carolina is one of only five states with no restrictions on ownership of exotic animals.
These beautiful animals belong in the wild, not in someone's basement. Wild animals cannot be domesticated or live happily as pets. They aren't loved

Call your Maryland Legislator Today to End Cruel Killing Contests! 

A new bill in the Maryland legislature protecting cownose rays needs your support. The bill outlaws the brutal practice of "killing contests" where cownose rays are slaughtered for people's entertainment. In these contests, cownose rays are shot with arrows, bludgeoned with a bat, and then stuffed into containers where they suffocate to death.

Not only are these contests incredibly cruel, cownose rays play a unique role in

A member of the PFA photographer registry, Luis shares his passion, and the power of images, in the service of animals in need. Luis told us that the animals at the shelter "have a lower chance of being adopted in Guatemala because they aren’t of a specific breed, and international adoptions are also low because people don’t know about how many wonderful individuals there are at the shelter."

Today we're shining the spotlight on Luis Noriega, a professional photographer based in Antigua, Guatemala. Luis' work has taken him around the world, but he found a special calling at Animal AWARE, an animal welfare organization located near Sumpango, Guatemala.

On Thursday we introduced you to Casey Christopher, a Los Angeles-based professional photographer, and we shared some of her stories and photos from her work with shelters and rescues in the L.A. area. Casey is a member of For All Animals' "Photographers for Animals" registry of professional and aspiring photographers. Casey shares her passion, and the power of images, in the service of animals in need, and she is proud to work with organizations such as Los Angeles Animal

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